extreme wide shot extreme wide shot Jenis pengambilan gambar yang terakhir adalah extreme wide shot, yaitu teknik yang dilakukan untuk menunjukkan lingkungan tempat beradanya suatu An extreme long shot (abbreviated as ELS) is a long shot that covers a wider area. It is also known as an extreme wide shot (EWS).
extreme wide shot Extreme Long Shot. Extreme Long Shot - Used to show the subject from a distance, or the area in which the scene is taking place. This Wide shot adalah salah satu tipe shot yang dilakukan dengan menampilkan subjek secara menyeluruh. Simak jenis-jenis lainnya di artikel ini.
extreme wide shot This shot is often used as an establishing shot for location or setting, before focusing on the character or scene. It has also been called an extreme wide. Get a second Extreme Wide Shot Tracks Down Over stock footage at . 4K and