ketidaknyamanan ketidaknyamanan ibu hamil dan janin, namun masih terbatas penelitian yang melaporkan hal of Pregnancy-Specific Anxiety, dan Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI).
ketidaknyamanan Kecemasan atau psikologis ibu dalam menghadapi proses persalinan salah satu dari ketidaknyamanan yang dialami ibu hamil. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (76,7%), merasa lebih sensitif (67,4%), nyeri punggung (53,5%), merasa diri tidak
ketidaknyamanan ABSTRACT Background: The changes that occur during pregancy may cause various inconveniences experienced during the period of pregnancy. If this is not resolved, then the condition can cause negative effects for pregnant women and the fetus, yet still limited research that reported Objectives: This research aims to know the description of the physical and psychological discomfort of second trimester pregnant women in Bantul district clinics, and to find out how that is cope by second trimester pregnant women. Methods: This research is descriptive research that uses cross-sectional design. This research was conducted on April untill May 2016, with the number of respondents were 43 people of second trimester pregnant women in nine health centers in Bantul region. The instruments used in this research is the physical and psychological discomfort questionnaires of second trimester pregnant women, Measure of Pregnancy-Specific Anxiety, and the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI). Data analysis using univariat analysis. Results: The research obtained result that the various physical and psychological discomfort of second trimester pregnant women and its prevalence is anxiety (100%), incontinence urine urine (70.7%), feeling more sensitive (67.4%), back pain (53.5%), feeling themselves unattractive (48.8%), constipation (32.6%), stress (30.2%), bloating (23.3%), nausea and vomiting (20.9%), leg cramps (16.3%), and heartburn (7%). Conclusion: Physical and psychological discomfort that many experienced by second trimester pregnant women in nine health centers in Bantul region is anxiety (100%), incontinence urine urine (70.7%), quality of sleep disorder (86%) and respondents do not know how to cope the experienced of incontinence urine, back pain, heartburn, leg cramps, and bloating. Pendahuluan: Pada perkembangan normal kehamilan, ibu hamil akan mengalami banyak gejala ketidaknyamanan sebagai bentuk adaptasi fisiologis.