menfess adalah menfess adalah Ramai kasus 'baju bekas impor hasil penyitaan yang dibawa pulang' membuat admin akun Twitter menfess @Askrlfess menjadi tersangka. Lalu, apa arti menfess? One of the interesting menfess accounts to study is the @collegemenfess account. The @collegemenfess account is a menfess account that aims to be a forum for student interaction in Indonesia. This account was established in 2018. This study aims to examine the practice of confession based on anonymity that occurs in the @collegemenfess account by involving three perspectives: admin, senders, and receivers. This study uses a netnographic method to explain the phenomenon. This study involved five informants consisting of one admin, two senders, and two receivers. The results of this study indicate that each informant has their reasons that brought these three parties to meet in an anonymous confession practice. Senders confess anonymously because they need help but they feel embarrassed to confess by revealing their identity. On the other hand, receivers help anonymous sender sincerely without knowing the real identity of the sender. Furthermore, the admin observes this phenomenon and creates @collegemenfess account to bring the two parties together. Admin also has a vital role in maintaining a conducive situation for the implementation of anonymity-based confession practices.
menfess adalah Untuk mengirim menfess dengan foto bisa langsung. Setelah sudah, menfess dapat dikirim menggunakan kode trigger masing-masing akun. LINE juga merupakan salah satu media sosial yang bisa
menfess adalah Karena tidak terindeks di KBBI, bisa dibilang bahwa kata Menfess yang ramai di Twitter tergolong sebagai salah satu bahasa gaul atau bahasa slang. Abstrak. Penelitian ini membahas mengenai wacana yang terdapat pada cuitan twitter pada akun mention confess yakni @S sebagai salah satu akun menfess