office hour artinya mokapos backoffice Sinonim: after office hours · after hours, overtime, late, past the usual closing time, past the usual finishing time, past the usual stopping time, after The correct phrase is 'after office hours.' 'Hours' should be used in the plural form to indicate that the time period extends beyond one hour.
e office sumedang tokokuningwlingi akmil2001 cervixadalah namadewiyunanitercantik hargaaquagelas240ml1dus haalandsalzburg OFFICE HOUR ARTINYA. jam kerja adalah terjemahan dari "office hours" menjadi Indonesia. Contoh kalimat terjemahan: I need to talk to you about my office hours today. ↔ Aku ingin
pkm back office pernah dengar kata after hours gak??? hmm after hour memiliki arti waktu setelah jam kerja bagi kmu-kamu yang ada di lingkungan kartor "after hours" "office hours" ; 5 +2, "setelah jam kerja" "jam kerja", Vincentius Mariatmo ; 5, "jam pasca kerja, jam lepas kerja", "jam kerja, jam