Definition of XOXO | New Word Suggestion | Collins English Dictionary

xoxo meaning   xoxo game Definition: XOXO : hugs and kisses, all my love, lots of love. idiom UK US Still unsure of the best way to use 'Xoxo'? 'x' means kiss 'o' means hug. so 'xoxo' means kisses and hugs. it's very monly used in English

xoxo meaning Definition: XOXO : hugs and kisses, all my love, lots of love. idiom UK US Still unsure of the best way to use 'Xoxo'? XOXO Meaning: Why XO Means Hugs and Kisses #weddings ZGkI9oujGz.

xoxo meaning Definition of XOXO | New Word Suggestion | Collins English Dictionary. Many translated example sentences containing xoxo – French-English dictionary and search engine for French translations.

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