What Does 'XOX' Mean? | Acronyms by Dictionary.com

xoxo meaning   xoxo game XOX, or XOXO, means hugs and kisses, with the x representing kisses and the o representing hugs. Definition: XOXO : hugs and kisses, all my love, lots of love. idiom UK US Still unsure of the best way to use 'Xoxo'?

xoxo game You may write XOXO to means hugs and kisses, but do you know how those symbols get their meaning? Translations in of xoxo in English-French from : Dear beauties, I hate you with Love, xoxo.

xoxo game xoxo 1. An abbreviation for hugs and kisses, usually placed at the end of a letter. wikixoxo. Chances are, you've used XOXO plenty of times throughout your life, but do you know how this popular phrase got its start? Find out the real meaning behind the abbreviation, as well as the history behind the tradition of using it in romantic contexts and tips on how to incorporate XOXO into your wedding in tasteful ways.

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